Nitrokey 3: Git
Previous posts:
- Nitrokey 3
- Nitrokey 3: GPG keys generation
- Nitrokey 3: Importing GPG keys
- Nitrokey 3: GPG and emails
- Nitrokey 3: SSH
When committing new code changes in a git repository, you can sign it to prove the identity of the commit author.
Using a PGP smart card here does not change anything.
List your keys:
$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
sec# rsa4096/0123456789ABCDEF 2023-01-01 [C]
uid [ultimate] Firstame Lastname <>
uid [ultimate] Firstame Lastname <>
ssb> rsa4096/0011223344556677 2023-01-01 [S]
ssb> rsa4096/8899AABBCCDDEEFF 2023-01-01 [E]
ssb> rsa4096/FEDCBA9876543210 2023-01-01 [A]
Note what the signing sub-key fingerprint is (0011223344556677
in this example) and add it to git:
$ git config --global user.signingkey 0011223344556677!
The exclamation mark !
above is to tell that we are using a sub-key.
Now just add -S
when doing a git commit to sign it.
Like for SSH, to make the key require to be touched to allow signing, configuring the User Interaction Flags is needed.
Next steps:
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