Getting energy from everywhere

For a long time now I have seen several "unusual" ways to produce electricity but mostly never seen them in use in real life devices.

As somebody working with a laptop, I can tell that the amount of electricity used by my computer does not allow the battery to last for a long time (maybe 4 or 5 hours if I'm doing nearly nothing with bluetooth and wifi shut down and screen backlight set to the minimum, and about 2 hours doing more CPU consuming stuff).

Computer makers are usually working a lot on:

  • making less power hungry computers,
  • making higher capacity batteries.

But I thought more stuff could be done, add electricity generators in the computer:

But then, we need to check the full energy usage here. If those generators cost more energy to produce and recycle than the "free" energy provided/saved, we should not use them.

My example was about a laptop, but those technologies can be used in lots of other devices (and several are already in use but not widely):

  • In wall clocks with thermoelectric effect (temperature gradient between the wall and the air) and solar panels.
  • In wristwatches with vibrations.
  • In cellphones with solar panels, vibrations.
  • In wireless keyboards with keystrokes.

Well, anywhere a battery is in use.

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