Wish list
- Peopleware: productive projects and teams
- Code complete: a practical handbook of software
- Prédation et prédateurs
- The humane interface: new directions for designing interactive systems
- Sécurité opérationnelle
Waiting on my shelf
Currently reading
Books I recommend
- Permanent Record
- Confessions d’un voleur
- La face cachée d’internet
- surveillance://
- The goal
- Free agent nation: the future of working for yourself
- Crossing the chasm
- Slack: getting past burnout, busywork, and the myth of total efficiency
- Re-imagine! Business excellence in a disruptive age
- The magic of thinking big
- Maverick: the success story behind the world’s most unusual workplace
- Mastery: the keys to success and long-term fulfillement
- Histoire des codes secrets
- La pratique du lean management dans l’IT
- Pair programming illuminated
- Leadership and self-deception
- The one minute manager
- The laws of simplicity
- Who moved my cheese?
- The future of the internet — and how to stop it
- The design of everyday things
- The fifth discipline
- L’art de la guerre
- Getting things done
- Rich dad’s retire young, retire rich
- The timeless way of building
- Petit traité de manipulation à l’usage des honnêtes gens
- Don’t make me think
- The five dysfunctions of a team
- The 7 habits of highly effective people
- An introduction to general systems thinking